5G-MAG Reference Tools - MBMS Modem
Classes | Functions | Variables
main.cpp File Reference

Contains the program entry point, command line parameter handling, and the main runloop for data processing. More...

#include <argp.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <libconfig.h++>
#include "CasFrameProcessor.h"
#include "Gw.h"
#include "SdrReader.h"
#include "MbsfnFrameProcessor.h"
#include "MeasurementFileWriter.h"
#include "Phy.h"
#include "RestHandler.h"
#include "Rrc.h"
#include "Version.h"
#include "spdlog/async.h"
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "spdlog/sinks/syslog_sink.h"
#include "srsran/srsran.h"
#include "srsran/upper/pdcp.h"
#include "srsran/rlc/rlc.h"
#include "thread_pool.hpp"
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struct  arguments
 Holds all options passed on the command line. More...


static void print_version (FILE *stream, struct argp_state *)
 Print the program version in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format. More...
static auto parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) -> error_t
 Parses the command line options into the arguments struct. More...
void set_params (const std::string &ant, unsigned fc, double g, unsigned sr, unsigned bw)
 Set new SDR parameters and initialize resynchronisation. More...
auto main (int argc, char **argv) -> int
 Main entry point for the program. More...


void(* argp_program_version_hook )(FILE *, struct argp_state *) = print_version
const char * argp_program_bug_address = "5G-MAG Reference Tools <reference-tools@5g-mag.com>"
static char doc [] = "5G-MAG-RT MBMS Modem Process"
static struct argp_option options []
static struct argp argp
static Config cfg
 Global configuration object. More...
static unsigned sample_rate = 7680000
 Sample rate of the SDR. More...
static unsigned search_sample_rate = 7680000
 Sample rate of the SDR. More...
static unsigned frequency = 667000000
 Center freqeuncy the SDR is tuned to. More...
static uint32_t bandwidth = 10000000
 Low pass filter bandwidth for the SDR. More...
static double gain = 0.9
 Overall system gain for the SDR. More...
static std::string antenna = "LNAW"
 Antenna input to be used. More...
static bool use_agc = false
static unsigned mbsfn_nof_prb = 0
static unsigned cas_nof_prb = 0
static bool restart = false
 Restart flag. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the program entry point, command line parameter handling, and the main runloop for data processing.

Definition in file main.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ main()

auto main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 
) -> int

Main entry point for the program.

argcCommand line agument count
argvCommand line arguments
0 on clean exit, -1 on failure

Definition at line 217 of file main.cpp.

217  {
218  struct arguments arguments;
219  /* Default values */
220  arguments.config_file = "/etc/5gmag-rt.conf";
221  arguments.sample_file = nullptr;
222  arguments.write_sample_file = nullptr;
223  argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, nullptr, &arguments);
225  // Read and parse the configuration file
226  try {
227  cfg.readFile(arguments.config_file);
228  } catch(const FileIOException &fioex) {
229  spdlog::error("I/O error while reading config file at {}. Exiting.", arguments.config_file);
230  exit(1);
231  } catch(const ParseException &pex) {
232  spdlog::error("Config parse error at {}:{} - {}. Exiting.",
233  pex.getFile(), pex.getLine(), pex.getError());
234  exit(1);
235  }
237  // Set up logging
238  std::string ident = "modem";
239  auto syslog_logger = spdlog::syslog_logger_mt("syslog", ident, LOG_PID | LOG_PERROR | LOG_CONS );
241  spdlog::set_level(
242  static_cast<spdlog::level::level_enum>(arguments.log_level));
243  spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%f %z] [%^%l%$] [thr %t] %v");
245  spdlog::set_default_logger(syslog_logger);
246  spdlog::info("5g-mag-rt modem v{}.{}.{} starting up", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH);
248  // Init and tune the SDR
249  auto rx_channels = 1;
250  cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.rx_channels", rx_channels);
251  spdlog::info("Initialising SDR with {} RX channel(s)", rx_channels);
252  SdrReader sdr(cfg, rx_channels);
254  sdr.enumerateDevices();
255  exit(0);
256  }
258  std::string sdr_dev = "driver=lime";
259  cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.device_args", sdr_dev);
260  if (!sdr.init(sdr_dev, arguments.sample_file, arguments.write_sample_file)) {
261  spdlog::error("Failed to initialize I/Q data source.");
262  exit(1);
263  }
265  cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.search_sample_rate_hz", sample_rate);
268  unsigned long long center_frequency = frequency;
269  if (!cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.center_frequency_hz", center_frequency)) {
270  spdlog::error("Unable to parse center_frequency_hz - values must have a ā€˜Lā€™ character appended");
271  exit(1);
272  }
273  // We needed unsigned long long for correct parsing,
274  // but unsigned is required
275  if (center_frequency <= UINT_MAX) {
276  frequency = static_cast<unsigned>(center_frequency);
277  } else {
278  spdlog::error("Configured center_frequency_hz is {}, maximal value supported is {}.",
279  center_frequency, UINT_MAX);
280  exit(1);
281  }
284  cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.normalized_gain", gain);
285  cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.antenna", antenna);
286  cfg.lookupValue("modem.sdr.use_agc", use_agc);
288  if (!sdr.tune(frequency, sample_rate, bandwidth, gain, antenna, use_agc)) {
289  spdlog::error("Failed to set initial center frequency. Exiting.");
290  exit(1);
291  }
293  set_srsran_verbose_level(arguments.log_level <= 1 ? SRSRAN_VERBOSE_DEBUG : SRSRAN_VERBOSE_NONE);
294  srsran_use_standard_symbol_size(true);
296  // Create a thread pool for the frame processors
297  unsigned thread_cnt = 4;
298  cfg.lookupValue("modem.phy.threads", thread_cnt);
299  int phy_prio = 10;
300  cfg.lookupValue("modem.phy.thread_priority_rt", phy_prio);
301  thread_pool pool{ thread_cnt + 1, phy_prio };
303  // Elevate execution to real time scheduling
304  struct sched_param thread_param = {};
305  thread_param.sched_priority = 20;
306  cfg.lookupValue("modem.phy.main_thread_priority_rt", thread_param.sched_priority);
308  spdlog::info("Raising main thread to realtime scheduling priority {}", thread_param.sched_priority);
310  int error = pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_RR, &thread_param);
311  if (error != 0) {
312  spdlog::error("Cannot set main thread priority to realtime: {}. Thread will run at default priority.", strerror(error));
313  }
315  bool enable_measurement_file = false;
316  cfg.lookupValue("modem.measurement_file.enabled", enable_measurement_file);
317  MeasurementFileWriter measurement_file(cfg);
319  // Create the layer components: Phy, RLC, RRC and GW
320  Phy phy(
321  cfg,
322  std::bind(&SdrReader::get_samples, &sdr, _1, _2, _3), // NOLINT
323  arguments.file_bw ? arguments.file_bw * 5 : 25,
325  rx_channels);
327  phy.init();
329  srsran::pdcp pdcp(nullptr, "PDCP");
330  srsran::rlc rlc("RLC");
331  srsran::timer_handler timers;
333  Rrc rrc(cfg, phy, rlc);
334  Gw gw(cfg, phy);
335  gw.init();
337  rlc.init(&pdcp, &rrc, &timers, 0 /* RB_ID_SRB0 */);
338  pdcp.init(&rlc, &rrc, &gw);
340  auto srs_level = srslog::basic_levels::none;
341  switch (arguments.srs_log_level) {
342  case 0: srs_level = srslog::basic_levels::debug; break;
343  case 1: srs_level = srslog::basic_levels::info; break;
344  case 2: srs_level = srslog::basic_levels::warning; break;
345  case 3: srs_level = srslog::basic_levels::error; break;
346  case 4: srs_level = srslog::basic_levels::none; break;
347  }
349  // Configure srsLTE logging
350  auto& mac_log = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MAC", false);
351  mac_log.set_level(srs_level);
352  auto& phy_log = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("PHY", false);
353  phy_log.set_level(srs_level);
354  auto& rlc_log = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RLC", false);
355  rlc_log.set_level(srs_level);
356  auto& asn1_log = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("ASN1", false);
357  asn1_log.set_level(srs_level);
360  state_t state = searching;
362  // Create the RESTful API handler
363  std::string uri = "";
364  cfg.lookupValue("modem.restful_api.uri", uri);
365  spdlog::info("Starting RESTful API handler at {}", uri);
366  RestHandler rest_handler(cfg, uri, state, sdr, phy, set_params);
368  // Initialize one CAS and thered_cnt MBSFN frame processors
369  CasFrameProcessor cas_processor(cfg, phy, rlc, rest_handler, rx_channels);
370  if (!cas_processor.init()) {
371  spdlog::error("Failed to create CAS processor. Exiting.");
372  exit(1);
373  }
375  std::vector<MbsfnFrameProcessor*> mbsfn_processors;
376  for (int i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) {
377  auto p = new MbsfnFrameProcessor(cfg, rlc, phy, mac_log, rest_handler, rx_channels);
378  if (!p->init()) {
379  spdlog::error("Failed to create MBSFN processor. Exiting.");
380  exit(1);
381  }
382  mbsfn_processors.push_back(p);
383  }
385  // Start receiving sample data
386  sdr.start();
388  uint32_t tti = 0;
390  uint32_t measurement_interval = 5;
391  cfg.lookupValue("modem.measurement_file.interval_secs", measurement_interval);
392  measurement_interval *= 1000;
393  uint32_t tick = 0;
395  // Initial state: searching a cell
396  state = searching;
398  // Start the main processing loop
399  for (;;) {
400  if (state == searching) {
401  if (restart) {
402  sdr.stop();
403  sample_rate = search_sample_rate; // sample rate for searching
405  sdr.start();
406  }
408  // We're at the search sample rate, and there's no point in creating a sample file. Stop the sample writer, if enabled.
409  sdr.disableSampleFileWriting();
411  // In searching state, clear the receive buffer and try to find a cell at the configured frequency and synchronize with it
412  restart = false;
413  sdr.clear_buffer();
414  bool cell_found = phy.cell_search();
415  if (cell_found) {
416  // A cell has been found. We now know the required number of PRB = bandwidth of the carrier. Set the approproiate
417  // sample rate...
418  cas_nof_prb = mbsfn_nof_prb = phy.nr_prb();
421  // Samples files are recorded at a fixed sample rate that can be determined from the bandwidth command line argument.
422  // If we're decoding from file, do not readjust the rate to match the CAS PRBs, but stay at this rate and instead configure the
423  // PHY to decode a narrow CAS from a wider channel.
425  phy.set_nof_mbsfn_prb(mbsfn_nof_prb);
426  phy.set_cell();
427  } else {
428  // When decoding from the air, configure the SDR accordingly
429  unsigned new_srate = srsran_sampling_freq_hz(cas_nof_prb);
430  spdlog::info("Setting sample rate {} Mhz for {} PRB / {} Mhz channel width", new_srate/1000000.0, phy.nr_prb(),
431  phy.nr_prb() * 0.2);
432  sdr.stop();
434  bandwidth = (cas_nof_prb * 200000) * 1.2;
435  sdr.tune(frequency, new_srate, bandwidth, gain, antenna, use_agc);
438  sdr.start();
439  }
440  spdlog::debug("Synchronizing subframe");
441  // ... and move to syncing state.
442  state = syncing;
443  } else {
444  sleep(1);
445  }
446  } else if (state == syncing) {
447  // In syncing state, we already know the cell we want to camp on, and the SDR is tuned to the required
448  // sample rate for its number of PRB / bandwidth. We now synchronize PSS/SSS and receive the MIB once again
449  // at this sample rate.
450  unsigned max_frames = 200;
451  bool sfn_sync = false;
452  while (!sfn_sync && max_frames-- > 0) {
453  sfn_sync = phy.synchronize_subframe();
454  }
456  if (max_frames == 0 && !sfn_sync) {
457  // Failed. Back to square one: search state.
458  spdlog::warn("Synchronization failed. Going back to search state.");
459  state = searching;
460  sleep(1);
461  }
463  if (sfn_sync) {
464  // We're locked on to the cell, and have succesfully received the MIB at the target sample rate.
465  spdlog::info("Decoded MIB at target sample rate, TTI is {}. Subframe synchronized.", phy.tti());
467  // Set the cell parameters in the CAS processor
468  cas_processor.set_cell(phy.cell());
470  for (int i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) {
471  mbsfn_processors[i]->unlock();
472  }
474  // Get the initial TTI / subframe ID (= system frame number * 10 + subframe number)
475  tti = phy.tti();
476  // Reset the RRC
477  rrc.reset();
479  // Ready to receive actual data. Go to processing state.
480  state = processing;
482  // If sample file creation is enabled, start writing out samples now that we're at the target sample rate
483  sdr.enableSampleFileWriting();
484  }
485  } else { // processing
486  int mb_idx = 0;
487  while (state == processing) {
488  tti = (tti + 1) % 10240; // Clamp the TTI
489  unsigned sfn = tti / 10;
490  if (phy.is_cas_subframe(tti)) {
491  // Get the samples from the SDR interface, hand them to a CAS processor, and start it
492  // on a thread from the pool.
493  if (!restart && phy.get_next_frame(cas_processor.rx_buffer(), cas_processor.rx_buffer_size())) {
494  spdlog::debug("sending tti {} to regular processor", tti);
495  pool.push([ObjectPtr = &cas_processor, tti, &rest_handler] {
496  if (ObjectPtr->process(tti)) {
497  // Set constellation diagram data and rx params for CAS in the REST API handler
498  rest_handler.add_cinr_value(ObjectPtr->cinr_db());
499  }
500  });
503  if (phy.nof_mbsfn_prb() != mbsfn_nof_prb)
504  {
505  // Handle the non-LTE bandwidths (6, 7 and 8 MHz). In these cases, CAS stays at the original bandwidth, but the MBSFN
506  // portion of the frames can be wider. We need to...
508  mbsfn_nof_prb = phy.nof_mbsfn_prb();
510  // ...adjust the SDR's sample rate to fit the wider MBSFN bandwidth...
511  unsigned new_srate = srsran_sampling_freq_hz(mbsfn_nof_prb);
512  spdlog::info("Setting sample rate {} Mhz for MBSFN with {} PRB / {} Mhz channel width", new_srate/1000000.0, mbsfn_nof_prb,
513  mbsfn_nof_prb * 0.2);
514  sdr.stop();
516  bandwidth = (mbsfn_nof_prb * 200000) * 1.2;
517  sdr.tune(frequency, new_srate, bandwidth, gain, antenna, use_agc);
519  // ... configure the PHY and CAS processor to decode a narrow CAS and wider MBSFN, and move back to syncing state
520  // after reconfiguring and restarting the SDR.
521  phy.set_cell();
522  cas_processor.set_cell(phy.cell());
524  sdr.start();
525  spdlog::info("Synchronizing subframe after PRB extension");
526  state = syncing;
527  }
528  } else {
529  // Failed to receive data, or sync lost. Go back to searching state.
530  sdr.stop();
531  sample_rate = search_sample_rate; // sample rate for searching
533  sdr.start();
534  rrc.reset();
535  phy.reset();
537  sleep(1);
538  state = searching;
539  }
540  } else {
541  // All other frames in FeMBMS dedicated mode are MBSFN frames.
542  spdlog::debug("sending tti {} to mbsfn proc {}", tti, mb_idx);
544  // Get the samples from the SDR interface, hand them to an MNSFN processor, and start it
545  // on a thread from the pool. Getting the buffer pointer from the pool also locks this processor.
546  if (!restart && phy.get_next_frame(mbsfn_processors[mb_idx]->get_rx_buffer_and_lock(), mbsfn_processors[mb_idx]->rx_buffer_size())) {
547  if (phy.mcch_configured() && phy.is_mbsfn_subframe(tti)) {
548  // If data frm SIB1/SIB13 has been received in CAS, configure the processors accordingly
549  if (!mbsfn_processors[mb_idx]->mbsfn_configured()) {
550  srsran_scs_t scs = SRSRAN_SCS_15KHZ;
551  switch (phy.mbsfn_subcarrier_spacing()) {
552  case Phy::SubcarrierSpacing::df_15kHz: scs = SRSRAN_SCS_15KHZ; break;
553  case Phy::SubcarrierSpacing::df_7kHz5: scs = SRSRAN_SCS_7KHZ5; break;
554  case Phy::SubcarrierSpacing::df_1kHz25: scs = SRSRAN_SCS_1KHZ25; break;
555  }
556  auto cell = phy.cell();
557  cell.nof_prb = cell.mbsfn_prb;
558  mbsfn_processors[mb_idx]->set_cell(cell);
559  mbsfn_processors[mb_idx]->configure_mbsfn(phy.mbsfn_area_id(), scs);
560  }
561  pool.push([ObjectPtr = mbsfn_processors[mb_idx], tti] {
562  ObjectPtr->process(tti);
563  });
564  } else {
565  // Nothing to do yet, we lack the data from SIB1/SIB13
566  // Discard the samples and unlock the processor.
567  mbsfn_processors[mb_idx]->unlock();
568  }
569  } else {
570  // Failed to receive data, or sync lost. Go back to searching state.
571  spdlog::warn("Synchronization lost while processing. Going back to searching state.");
572  sdr.stop();
573  sample_rate = search_sample_rate; // sample rate for searching
575  sdr.start();
577  state = searching;
578  sleep(1);
579  rrc.reset();
580  phy.reset();
581  }
582  mb_idx = static_cast<int>((mb_idx + 1) % thread_cnt);
583  }
585  tick++;
586  if (tick%measurement_interval == 0) {
587  // It's time to output rx info to the measurement file and to syslog.
588  // Collect the relevant info and write it out.
589  std::vector<std::string> cols;
591  spdlog::info("CINR {:.2f} dB", rest_handler.cinr_db() );
592  cols.push_back(std::to_string(rest_handler.cinr_db()));
594  spdlog::info("PDSCH: MCS {}, BLER {}, BER {}",
595  rest_handler._pdsch.mcs,
596  ((rest_handler._pdsch.errors * 1.0) / (rest_handler._pdsch.total * 1.0)),
597  rest_handler._pdsch.ber);
598  cols.push_back(std::to_string(rest_handler._pdsch.mcs));
599  cols.push_back(std::to_string(((rest_handler._pdsch.errors * 1.0) / (rest_handler._pdsch.total * 1.0))));
600  cols.push_back(std::to_string(rest_handler._pdsch.ber));
602  spdlog::info("MCCH: MCS {}, BLER {}, BER {}",
603  rest_handler._mcch.mcs,
604  ((rest_handler._mcch.errors * 1.0) / (rest_handler._mcch.total * 1.0)),
605  rest_handler._mcch.ber);
607  cols.push_back(std::to_string(rest_handler._mcch.mcs));
608  cols.push_back(std::to_string(((rest_handler._mcch.errors * 1.0) / (rest_handler._mcch.total * 1.0))));
609  cols.push_back(std::to_string(rest_handler._mcch.ber));
611  auto mch_info = phy.mch_info();
612  int mch_idx = 0;
613  std::for_each(std::begin(mch_info), std::end(mch_info), [&cols, &mch_idx, &rest_handler](Phy::mch_info_t const& mch) {
614  spdlog::info("MCH {}: MCS {}, BLER {}, BER {}",
615  mch_idx,
616  mch.mcs,
617  (rest_handler._mch[mch_idx].errors * 1.0) / (rest_handler._mch[mch_idx].total * 1.0),
618  rest_handler._mch[mch_idx].ber);
619  cols.push_back(std::to_string(mch_idx));
620  cols.push_back(std::to_string(mch.mcs));
621  cols.push_back(std::to_string((rest_handler._mch[mch_idx].errors * 1.0) / (rest_handler._mch[mch_idx].total * 1.0)));
622  cols.push_back(std::to_string(rest_handler._mch[mch_idx].ber));
624  int mtch_idx = 0;
625  std::for_each(std::begin(mch.mtchs), std::end(mch.mtchs), [&mtch_idx](Phy::mtch_info_t const& mtch) {
626  spdlog::info(" MTCH {}: LCID {}, TMGI 0x{}, {}",
627  mtch_idx,
628  mtch.lcid,
629  mtch.tmgi,
630  mtch.dest);
631  mtch_idx++;
632  });
633  mch_idx++;
634  });
635  spdlog::info("-----");
636  if (enable_measurement_file) {
637  measurement_file.WriteLogValues(cols);
638  }
639  }
640  }
641  }
642  }
644  // Main loop ended by signal. Free the MBSFN processors, and bail.
645  for (int i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) {
646  delete( mbsfn_processors[i] );
647  }
648 exit:
649  return 0;
650 }
Definition: RestHandler.h:39
@ syncing
Definition: RestHandler.h:39
@ searching
Definition: RestHandler.h:39
@ processing
Definition: RestHandler.h:39
Frame processor for CAS subframes.
Network gateway component.
Definition: Gw.h:36
Frame processor for MBSFN subframes.
Writes measurement data / current reception parameters to a file.
The PHY component.
Definition: Phy.h:42
The RESTful API handler.
Definition: RestHandler.h:44
Simple RRC component between PHY and RLC.
Definition: Rrc.h:34
Interface to the SDR stick.
Definition: SdrReader.h:37
int get_samples(cf_t *data[SRSRAN_MAX_CHANNELS], uint32_t nsamples, srsran_timestamp_t *rx_time)
Store nsamples count samples into the buffer at data.
Definition: SdrReader.cpp:315
static Config cfg
Global configuration object.
Definition: main.cpp:165
static std::string antenna
Antenna input to be used.
Definition: main.cpp:172
static unsigned mbsfn_nof_prb
Definition: main.cpp:175
static bool use_agc
Definition: main.cpp:173
static unsigned sample_rate
Sample rate of the SDR.
Definition: main.cpp:167
static bool restart
Restart flag.
Definition: main.cpp:186
static unsigned cas_nof_prb
Definition: main.cpp:176
static uint32_t bandwidth
Low pass filter bandwidth for the SDR.
Definition: main.cpp:170
static unsigned search_sample_rate
Sample rate of the SDR.
Definition: main.cpp:168
void set_params(const std::string &ant, unsigned fc, double g, unsigned sr, unsigned bw)
Set new SDR parameters and initialize resynchronisation.
Definition: main.cpp:198
static unsigned frequency
Center freqeuncy the SDR is tuned to.
Definition: main.cpp:169
static struct argp argp
Definition: main.cpp:153
static double gain
Overall system gain for the SDR.
Definition: main.cpp:171
std::vector< mtch_info_t > mtchs
Definition: Phy.h:172
Holds all options passed on the command line.
Definition: main.cpp:100
uint8_t file_bw
bandwidth of the sample file
Definition: main.cpp:106
const char * config_file
file path of the config file.
Definition: main.cpp:101
const char * write_sample_file
file path of the created sample file.
Definition: main.cpp:108
unsigned srs_log_level
srsLTE log level
Definition: main.cpp:103
int8_t override_nof_prb
ovride PRB number
Definition: main.cpp:104
unsigned log_level
log level
Definition: main.cpp:102
bool list_sdr_devices
Definition: main.cpp:109
const char * sample_file
file path of the sample file.
Definition: main.cpp:105

◆ parse_opt()

static auto parse_opt ( int  key,
char *  arg,
struct argp_state *  state 
) -> error_t

Parses the command line options into the arguments struct.

Definition at line 115 of file main.cpp.

115  {
116  auto arguments = static_cast<struct arguments *>(state->input);
117  switch (key) {
118  case 'c':
119  arguments->config_file = arg;
120  break;
121  case 'l':
122  arguments->log_level = static_cast<unsigned>(strtoul(arg, nullptr, 10));
123  break;
124  case 's':
126  static_cast<unsigned>(strtoul(arg, nullptr, 10));
127  break;
128  case 'f':
129  arguments->sample_file = arg;
130  break;
131  case 'w':
133  break;
134  case 'b':
135  arguments->file_bw = static_cast<uint8_t>(strtoul(arg, nullptr, 10));
136  break;
137  case 'p':
139  static_cast<int8_t>(strtol(arg, nullptr, 10));
140  break;
141  case 'd':
142  arguments->list_sdr_devices = true;
143  break;
144  case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
145  argp_usage(state);
146  break;
147  default:
148  return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
149  }
150  return 0;
151 }

◆ print_version()

void print_version ( FILE *  stream,
struct argp_state *  state 

Print the program version in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

Definition at line 159 of file main.cpp.

159  {
160  fprintf(stream, "%s.%s.%s\n", std::to_string(VERSION_MAJOR).c_str(),
161  std::to_string(VERSION_MINOR).c_str(),
162  std::to_string(VERSION_PATCH).c_str());
163 }

◆ set_params()

void set_params ( const std::string &  ant,
unsigned  fc,
double  g,
unsigned  sr,
unsigned  bw 

Set new SDR parameters and initialize resynchronisation.

This function is used by the RESTful API handler to modify the SDR params.

antName of the antenna input (For LimeSDR Mini: LNAW, LNAL)
fcCenter frequency to tune to (in Hz)
gainTotal system gain to set [0..1]
srSample rate (in Hz)
bwLow pass filter bandwidth (in Hz)

Definition at line 198 of file main.cpp.

198  {
199  sample_rate = sr;
200  frequency = fc;
201  bandwidth = bw;
202  antenna = ant;
203  gain = g;
204  spdlog::info("RESTful API requesting new parameters: fc {}, bw {}, rate {}, gain {}, antenna {}",
207  restart = true;
208 }

Variable Documentation

◆ antenna

std::string antenna = "LNAW"

Antenna input to be used.

Definition at line 172 of file main.cpp.

◆ argp

struct argp argp
Initial value:
= {options, parse_opt, nullptr, doc,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
static struct argp_option options[]
Definition: main.cpp:66
static auto parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) -> error_t
Parses the command line options into the arguments struct.
Definition: main.cpp:115
static char doc[]
Definition: main.cpp:64

Definition at line 115 of file main.cpp.

◆ argp_program_bug_address

const char* argp_program_bug_address = "5G-MAG Reference Tools <reference-tools@5g-mag.com>"

Definition at line 63 of file main.cpp.

◆ argp_program_version_hook

void(* argp_program_version_hook) (FILE *, struct argp_state *) ( FILE *  ,
struct argp_state *   
) = print_version

Definition at line 62 of file main.cpp.

◆ bandwidth

uint32_t bandwidth = 10000000

Low pass filter bandwidth for the SDR.

Definition at line 170 of file main.cpp.

◆ cas_nof_prb

unsigned cas_nof_prb = 0

Definition at line 176 of file main.cpp.

◆ cfg

Config cfg

Global configuration object.

Definition at line 165 of file main.cpp.

◆ doc

char doc[] = "5G-MAG-RT MBMS Modem Process"

Definition at line 64 of file main.cpp.

◆ frequency

unsigned frequency = 667000000

Center freqeuncy the SDR is tuned to.

Definition at line 169 of file main.cpp.

◆ gain

double gain = 0.9

Overall system gain for the SDR.

Definition at line 171 of file main.cpp.

◆ mbsfn_nof_prb

unsigned mbsfn_nof_prb = 0

Definition at line 175 of file main.cpp.

◆ options

struct argp_option options[]
Initial value:
= {
{"config", 'c', "FILE", 0, "Configuration file (default: /etc/5gmag-rt.conf)", 0},
{"log-level", 'l', "LEVEL", 0,
"Log verbosity: 0 = trace, 1 = debug, 2 = info, 3 = warn, 4 = error, 5 = "
"critical, 6 = none. Default: 2.",
{"srsran-log-level", 's', "LEVEL", 0,
"Log verbosity for srsran: 0 = debug, 1 = info, 2 = warn, 3 = error, 4 = "
"none, Default: 4.",
{"sample-file", 'f', "FILE", 0,
"Sample file in 4 byte float interleaved format to read I/Q data from. If "
"present, the data from this file will be decoded instead of live SDR "
"data. The channel bandwith must be specified with the --file-bandwidth "
"flag, and the sample rate of the file must be suitable for this "
{"write-sample-file", 'w', "FILE", 0,
"Create a sample file in 4 byte float interleaved format containing the "
"raw received I/Q data.",
{"file-bandwidth", 'b', "BANDWIDTH (MHz)", 0,
"If decoding data from a file, specify the channel bandwidth of the "
"recorded data in MHz here (e.g. 5)",
{"override_nof_prb", 'p', "# PRB", 0,
"Override the number of PRB received in the MIB", 0},
{"sdr_devices", 'd', nullptr, 0,
"Prints a list of all available SDR devices", 0},
{nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}}

Definition at line 64 of file main.cpp.

◆ restart

bool restart = false

Restart flag.

Setting this to true triggers resynchronization using the params set in the following parameters:

See also

Definition at line 186 of file main.cpp.

◆ sample_rate

unsigned sample_rate = 7680000

Sample rate of the SDR.

Definition at line 167 of file main.cpp.

◆ search_sample_rate

unsigned search_sample_rate = 7680000

Sample rate of the SDR.

Definition at line 168 of file main.cpp.

◆ use_agc

bool use_agc = false

Definition at line 173 of file main.cpp.