This website serves as an umbrella for documentation related to standards and specifications within the scope of 5G-MAG’s work.

More information on Standards and Specifications can be found at

References, Quick Guides and relevant Specifications

Documentation on specifications under the scope of 5G-MAG’s topics and areas of work are hosted here. Check this link for more details.

Help us improving the documentation. Raise a “Repo Documentation” issue if you would like to provide more references, audiovisual material and technical papers.

Feedback to Specifications

5G-MAG maintains this GitHub repository open to the community to provide feedback on specifications, in particular, comments, bug-fixing or request for new features. Check Feedback to Specifications for all the details.

5G-MAG has currently an open process to provide feedback to the following sets of specifications.

Regular XCHANGE with 3GPP SA4

Check 3GPP SA4 Xchange for all the details.