Related 3GPP Specifications

This is a list of specifications in the scope of eXtended Reality (XR).

Use Cases, Scenarios, Requirements, Devices

Number Type Title Status WG
23.700-23 TR Study on Application enabler for XR Services Draft S6
23.700-60 TR Study on XR (Extended Reality) and media services Under change control S2
23.700-70 TR Study on architecture enhancement for Extended Reality and Media service (XRM); Phase 2 Draft S2
26.862 TR Immersive Teleconferencing and Telepresence for Remote Terminals (ITT4RT) Use Cases, Requirements and Potential Solutions Under change control S4
26.928 TR Extended Reality (XR) in 5G Under change control S4
26.930 TR Study on the enhancement for Immersive Real-Time communication for WebRTC Draft S4
26.998 TR Support of 5G glass-type Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality (AR/MR) devices Under change control S4

New Radio enhancements for XR

Number Type Title Status WG
38.835 TR Study on XR enhancements for NR Under change control R2
38.838 TR Study on XR (Extended Reality) evaluations for NR Under change control R1

Split rendering

Number Type Title Status WG
26.249 TS Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios Draft S4
26.865 TR Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios; Requirements Draft S4

Media capabilities and services

Number Type Title Status WG
26.119 TS Media Capabilities for Augmented Reality Draft S4
26.143 TS Messaging Media profiles Draft S4
26.565 TS Split Rendering Media Service Enabler Draft S4


IVAS (Immersive Voice and Audio Services)

Number Type Title Status WG
26.250 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - General overview Draft S4
26.251 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - C code (fixed-point) Draft S4
26.252 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - Test sequences Draft S4
26.253 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - Detailed Algorithmic Description incl. RTP payload format and SDP parameter definitions Draft S4
26.254 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - Rendering Draft S4
26.255 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - Error concealment of lost packets Draft S4
26.256 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - Jitter Buffer Management Draft S4
26.258 TS Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services - C code (floating-point) Under change control S4

Testing methodologies and performance requirements

Number Type Title Status WG
26.259 TS Subjective test methodologies for the evaluation of immersive audio systems Under change control S4
26.260 TS Objective test methodologies for the evaluation of immersive audio systems Under change control S4
26.261 TS Terminal audio quality performance requirements for immersive audio services Draft S4
26.566 TS Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios Draft S4
26.861 TR Investigations on test methodologies for immersive audio systems Under change control S4
26.866 TR Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios; Performance characterization Draft S4
26.926 TR Traffic Models and Quality Evaluation Methods for Media and XR Services in 5G Systems Under change control S4
26.996 TR Immersive Audio for Split Rendering Scenarios; Performance characterization Draft S4
26.997 TR IVAS codec performance characterization Draft S4