Related 3GPP Work Items

Release 18

Work Item Acronym Title Rel WG
940068 FS_XRM Study on architecture enhancement for XR and media services Rel‑18 S2
940087 FS_NR_XR_enh Study on XR (eXtended Reality) enhancements for NR Rel‑18 R2
950012 FS_eiRTCW Study on immersive Real-time Communication for WebRTC Phase 2 Rel‑18 S4
950014 iRTCW Immersive Real-time Communication for WebRTC Rel‑18 S4
950013 FS_SmarTAR Study on Smartly Tethering AR Glasses Rel‑18 S4
950015 MeCAR Media Capabilities for Augmented Reality Rel‑18 S4
960042 IBACS IMS-based AR Conversational Services Rel‑18 S4
960044 GA4RTAR Generic architecture for RT and AR/MR Rel‑18 S4
960045 SR_MSE Split Rendering Media Service Enabler Rel‑18 S4
960046 5G_RTP Real-time Transport Protocol Configurations Rel‑18 S4
960049 FS_ARMRQoE Study on AR and MR QoE Metrics Rel‑18 S4
960050 FS_Audio_5GSTAR Study on Audio Aspects for Glasses-type AR/MR Devices Rel‑18 S4

Release 17

Work Item Acronym Title Rel WG
870013 FS_XRTraffic Traffic Models and Quality Evaluation Methods for Media and XR Services in 5G Systems Rel‑17 S4
860062 FS_NR_XR_eval Study on XR (Extended Reality) evaluations for NR Rel‑17 R1

Release 16

Work Item Acronym Title Rel WG
810006 FS_5GXR Study on eXtended Reality (XR) in 5G Rel‑16 S4