Docker Implementation for rt-mbms client side


The repository contains the implementation of rt-mbms processes (5G broadcast receiver) in docker containers. The documentation is followed to create the containers. Modem, mbms-mw, wui and nginx are run in individual containers which interact each other using the native docker network.


Table of content

Hardware requirements

It is hard to define system requirements because these depend e.g. on bandwidth (e.g., 5, 8, 10 MHz), modulation coding scheme and other parameters. Generally, a CPU with 4 cores and 8 threads, 16 GB RAM and - in case a SDR and not just sample files are used - an USB 3.0 port is necessary. Furthermore, HDMI, Wifi, LAN and sufficient SSD space (for sample files,…) is recommended.

Supported SDR

To use the rt-mbms processes in a live setup a SDR (software defined radio) is required. MBMS Modem supports SoapyAPI, thus any supported SDR should work with the 5G-MAG Reference Tools (please keep in mind that not every SDR hardware is sufficient for receiving an 5G Broadcast signal (e.g. bandwidth, sample rate…)).

We recommend using a LimeSDR or USRP n210 as in the current reference.


We recommend to use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (64 bit)

Reference setups


The full specification of the Intel NUC can be found here.

Testcase The 5G-MAG Reference Tools system was tested live, with sample files, with bandwidths 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 MHz, SCS 1.25 and 7.5 kHz with multiple services (RTP, HLS).

Step by step installation of rt-mbms-process in docker:

  • Install the docker engine.
  • Build the Docker Images
  • Running Containers
  • Execute the Containers

Installing Docker

Dockerhub hosts the docker engine repos which can be easiy installed locally to start working with docker.

Alternatively, easy to use shell script can be found here!

Build Images

The files for docker implementation are contained in modem, middleware, wui and nginx.

The Dockerfile helps to create a docker image, which can be used to run the containers.
The command docker build uses by default the Dockerfile to create the image. For custom docker files go with
docker build -f /path/to/Dockerfile -t target_image_name /location/of/Dockerfile
There is a script on each folder for easy access.
PS: Please edit the appropriate path to the sample files in the last line of startup script for modem process before building the container.

Running the containers

The modem, middleware, wui and nginx containers can be run using the script in their respective folders.

The script contains the docker logs command which helps the user to have an idea on what is happening inside the containers.

PS: Please build docker images and run the containers in the order of modem, mbms-mw, wui, nginx respectively, so that the IP addresses of the containers are

Modem -
mbms-mw -
wui    -
nginx  -

sudo docker inspect container_name | grep IPAddress gives the ip of the container.

If you have different IPs please configure the corresponding IPs in 5gmag-rt.conf , wui and nginx config files.

Executing the Containers

The docker exec commands helps you to get into the container. docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash

The list of the containers (running or exited) can be viewed using : docker ps -a . The staus column shows the staus of each container.

A running container can be stopped using: docker stop container_name

An exited or obsolete container can be removed using : docker rm container_name