Quick start guide

Setup Resources


After each reboot of your machine run:

  1. sudo systemctl start 5gmag-rt-modem
  2. sudo systemctl stop 5gmag-rt-modem

Make sure that you have the latest nginx config enabled in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/5gmag-rt-wui. Compare it to the config that is provided here: https://github.com/5G-MAG/rt-common-shared/blob/feature/mbms/mbms/common-config/5gmag-rt-wui

Different SA formats

The 5G-MAG Reference Tools support three different service announcement formats. In the examples below we either use the 5gmag_legacy format for the recordings or the default format for seamless switching. To use the seamless switching format that was agreed in 5G-MAG you have to use 5gmag_bc_uc. The corresponding service announcement example file is labeled bootstrap.multipart.seamlessswitching.hls.5gmag. More details can be found here: https://github.com/5G-MAG/rt-common-shared/wiki/MBMS-Service-Announcement-Files

Playback of 5GBC together with the MBMS Modem

Set the target configuration in etc/5gmag-rt-conf:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: <TRUE OR FALSE>;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3
  bootstrap_format: <TARGET FORMAT>;
  local_service: {
    enabled: false

Playback of legacy recordings

Set the configuration in etc/5gmag-rt-conf to use the legacy format:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: false;
  bootstrap_format: "5gmag_legacy";
  local_service: {
    enabled: false;

If you want to play the recorded content in a loop consider increasing the cache values to avoid segments with the same url being deleted immediately:

  cache: { 
    max_segments_per_stream: 30;
    max_file_age: 1200;    /* seconds */
    max_total_size: 128; /* megabyte */

FLUTE ffmpeg watchfolder with signaling server

HLS seamless switching

Set the config file for the rt-mbms-examples project in flute-ffmpeg\config\default.cfg to:

general : {
          multicast_ip = "";
          multicast_port = 40101;
          mtu = 1500;
          rate_limit = 1200000;
          path_to_transmit = "<RELATIVE PATH FROM THE ROOT OF YOUR WEBSERVER>"
          stream_type = "hls";
          transmit_service_announcement = true;
          dash: {
              number_of_init_segments = 3;
              resend_init_in_sec = 30;
              service_announcement = "../supporting_files/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.legacy.dash";
          hls: {
              service_announcement = "../supporting_files/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.seamlessswitching.hls";
              media_playlists_to_ignore_in_multicast = []
          webserver_port: 3010;

Note: For seamless switching to work the watchfolder_path needs to point to a webserver that hosts the segments.

Enable seamless switching in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: true;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3


Disable seamless switching and set the right SA format in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: false;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3
bootstrap_format: "5gmag_legacy";

Adjust the config for flute-ffmpeg:

general : {
          multicast_ip = "";
          multicast_port = 40101;
          mtu = 1500;
          rate_limit = 1200000;
          watchfolder_path = "/home/dsi/5G-MAG/simple-express-server/public/watchfolder/dash";
          path_to_transmit = ""
          stream_type = "dash";
          transmit_service_announcement = true;
          dash: {
              number_of_init_segments = 3;
              resend_init_in_sec = 30;
              service_announcement = "../supporting_files/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.legacy.dash";
          hls: {
              service_announcement = "../supporting_files/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.seamlessswitching.hls";
              media_playlists_to_ignore_in_multicast = []
          webserver_port: 3010;


Disable seamless switching and set the right SA format in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: false;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3
bootstrap_format: "5gmag_legacy";

Adjust the config for flute-ffmpeg:

general : {
          multicast_ip = "";
          multicast_port = 40101;
          mtu = 1500;
          rate_limit = 1200000;
          watchfolder_path = "/home/dsi/5G-MAG/simple-express-server/public/watchfolder/hls";
          path_to_transmit = "watchfolder/hls/"
          stream_type = "hls";
          transmit_service_announcement = true;
          dash: {
              number_of_init_segments = 3;
              resend_init_in_sec = 30;
              service_announcement = "../supporting_files/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.legacy.dash";
          hls: {
              service_announcement = "../supporting_files/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.legacy.hls";
              media_playlists_to_ignore_in_multicast = []
          webserver_port: 3010;

FLUTE ffmpeg with local SA

In this example we dont need the http server that signals the mch_info.json. Instead, we start the MBMS Middleware directly with a local service announcement file


Enable the local service in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  local_service: {
    enabled: true;

Disable transmit_service_announcement in the flute-ffmpeg default.cfg file:

transmit_service_announcement = false;

HLS seamless switching

Point to a local service announcement file with seamless switching support in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file e.g.:

  local_service: {
    bootstrap_file: "/home/dsi/5G-MAG/rt-common-shared/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.seamlessswitching.hls";

Enable seamless switching in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: true;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3
bootstrap_format: "";


Point to a local service announcement in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file e.g.:

  local_service: {
    bootstrap_file: "/home/dsi/5G-MAG/rt-common-shared/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.legacy.hls";

Disable seamless switching and set the right SA format in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: false;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3
bootstrap_format: "5gmag_legacy";


Point to a local service announcement in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file e.g.:

  local_service: {
    bootstrap_file: "/home/dsi/5G-MAG/rt-common-shared/mbms/bootstrap_examples/bootstrap.multipart.legacy.dash";

Disable seamless switching and set the right SA format in the etc/5gmag-rt-conf file:

  seamless_switching: {
    enabled: false;
    truncate_cdn_playlist_segments: 3
bootstrap_format: "5gmag_legacy";