Configuration of the 5GMSd Application Function

The configuration file for the 5GMSd Application function contains several settings

File Locations

The configuration file for the 5GMSd Application Function can be found in ${prefix}/etc/open5gs/msaf.yaml, where ${prefix} is the prefix used in the meson command (or /usr/local by default). By default this means that the configuration file will be found in /usr/local/etc/open5gs/msaf.yaml.

The location of the configuration file can be overridden at run-time by using the -c command line parameter with the open5gs-msafd command, for example:

/usr/local/bin/open5gs-msafd -c local-5gmsaf-config.yaml

Configuration File Format

The configuration file is written in YAML 1.1 file format.

Various settings in the file control things like logging output, listening and connection addresses, details of associated 5GMSd Application Servers and other presets.


Throughout this documentation we refer to the location of these configuration properties using a ‘.’ separated path. Where a property name contains a . character it will be quoted using double quotes. For eaxmple, take the following snippet of YAML:

  files contain:
  - version 1.1: textual value

We would refer to the field holding the value ‘textual value’ as YAML.files contain."version 1.1".

Configuration Structure

The following are the properties in the 5GMSd Application Function configuration file and typical/default values:

  level: info
  domain: msaf

    no_tls: true
    no_tls: true

  open5gsIntegration: false
    - addr:
      port: 7778
  m1:                                   # Added in v1.2.0
    - addr:                     # Added in v1.2.0
      port: 7778                        # Added in v1.2.0
  m5:                                   # Added in v1.2.0
    - addr:                     # Added in v1.2.0
      port: 7778                        # Added in v1.2.0
  maf:                                  # Added in v1.2.0
    - addr:                  # Added in v1.2.0
      port: 7777                        # Added in v1.2.0
    - canonicalHostname: localhost
      urlPathPrefixFormat: /m4d/provisioning-session-{provisioningSessionId}/
      m3Host: localhost                                                    # Added in v1.4.0
      m3Port: 7777                                                         # Added in v1.1.0
  certificate: examples/CertificatesIndex.json                             # Removed in v1.2.0
  contentHostingConfiguration: examples/ContentHostingConfiguration.json   # Removed in v1.2.0
  provisioningSessionId: 12345678-9abc-def0-123456789abc                   # Removed in v1.1.0
  certificateManager: /usr/local/libexec/rt-5gms/af/self-signed-certmgr    # Added in v1.2.0
  serverResponseCacheControl:                                              # Added in v1.2.0
    - maxAge: 60                                                           # Added in v1.2.0
      m1ProvisioningSessions: 60                                           # Added in v1.2.0
      m1ContentHostingConfigurations: 60                                   # Added in v1.2.0
      m1ServerCertificates: 60                                             # Added in v1.2.0
      m1ContentProtocols: 86400                                            # Added in v1.2.0
      m5ServiceAccessInformation: 60                                       # Added in v1.2.0
  dataCollectionDir: /usr/local/var/log/open5gs/reports                    # Added in v1.4.0
  offerNetworkAssistance: false                                            # Added in v1.4.0
  networkAssistance:                                                       # Added in v1.4.0
    deliveryBoost:                                                         # Added in v1.4.0
      minDlBitRate: 1 Mbps                                                 # Added in v1.4.0
      boostPeriod: 30                                                      # Added in v1.4.0 

    - addr:
      - ::1
      port: 7777

  notificationListener:                                                    # Added in v1.4.0
    - addr:
      port: 7779

  no_ipv4: false
  no_ipv6: false
  prefer_ipv4: false

    heartbeat: 0
    duration: 10000

Referencing other files

The configuration file may also reference other files. If such a reference is made then the reference is either an absolute path or a relative path to file. If it is a relative path then it is relative to the location of the configuration file.

Warning: Be careful when moving a msaf.yaml configuration file to a different directory in the filesystem as any relative pathed properties will no longer point to the correct location and will either need to be changed or the referenced files will also need to be moved too to maintain their relative paths.

The following properties may optionally contain relative paths:

  • msaf.certificates - This is the JSON certificates index, see Certificates Index for more details.
  • msaf.contentHostingConfiguration - This is a ContentHostingConfiguration JSON object used to configure the 5GMSd Application Server, see ContentHostingConfiguration file for more details.

Configuration Properties

This section lists the properties in the configuration file, their use and valid values.


Location(s): logging.level and logging.domain

Logging Level

The logging.level indicates the minimum level of logging messages that will be output. The default is info.

Allowable values are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal and none

When logging.domain is also set, then this setting only affects the minimum logging level for the listed domains.

Logging Domain

The logging.domain property limits the affect of the logging.level property. This contains a comma separated list of domains.

Domains relevant to the 5GMSd Application Function are:

  • msaf - 5GMSd Application Function specific logging
  • sbi - Open5GS SBI library functions for Client/Server operations.
  • app - Open5GS App library functions for generic Open5GS application routines.
  • core - Open5GS Core functions (e.g. low level socket handling, textual parsing and formatting, and memory management routines).

Suggested Logging Configurations

To reduce logging to warnings, errors and fatal messages only:

  level: warn

To stop all logging:

  level: none

To turn debugging output on for the 5GMSd Application Function:

  level: debug
  domain: msaf

SBI interface security

Location(s): sbi.server.no_tls, sbi.server.cacert, sbi.server.key, sbi.server.cert, sbi.client.no_tls, sbi.client.cacert, sbi.client.key and sbi.client.cert

The sbi.server.no_tls indicates whether TLS should be configured for SBI server listening sockets. If false then no TLS is configured and the sbi.server.cacert, sbi.server.key and sbi.server.cert properties are ignored. If the sbi.server.no_tls property is true then the server will use:

  • sbi.server.cacert is the filename of a file containing a CA bundle, in PEM format, to use to authenticate client public certificates.
  • sbi.server.key is the filename of the private key, in PEM format, which is used for TLS connections for server sockets.
  • sbi.server.cert is the filename of the public certificate, in PEM format, that will be presented as server authentication for TLS connections for server sockets.

The sbi.client.no_tls indicates whether TLS should be configured for outgoing client requests to other NFs. If false then no TLS is configured and the sbi.client.cacert, sbi.client.key and sbi.client.cert properties are ignored. If the sbi.client.no_tls property is true then outgoing client requests will use:

  • sbi.client.cacert is the filename of a file containing a CA bundle, in PEM format, to use to authenticate the server certificate presented by the remote NF.
  • sbi.client.key is the filename of a private key, in PEM format, to use for encrypting the client communications.
  • sbi.client.cert is the filename of the public certificate, in PEM format, to use for authenticating the client with the NF.

Open5GS integration

Location(s): msaf.open5gsIntegration

This is a boolean value (true or false) which indicates whether or not the 5GMSd Application Function will attempt to register with a 5G Core, specifically the NRF.

If this value is true then the nrf properties will describe the connection information for the NRF to register with. See NRF Connection for more details.

This is required to be true if you wish to use the Network Assistance or Dynamic Policies features.

SBI and default Interface Listening Address

Location(s): and

The listening IP address is set in and the TCP port number is set in

This address is used for SBI communications with other 5G Core Network Functions. It is also the default address for M1, M5 and Management interfaces if they are not explicitly set in the configuration.

M1 Interface Listening Address

Location(s): msaf.m1.addr and msaf.m1.port Version: v1.2.0 and above

The listening IP address is set in msaf.m1.addr and the TCP port number is set in msaf.m1.port.

This is the communication address for external Application Service Providers to configure their services via the interface at reference point M1.

M5 Interface Listening Address

Location(s): msaf.m5.addr and msaf.m5.port Version: v1.2.0 and above

The listening IP address is set in msaf.m5.addr and the TCP port number is set in msaf.m5.port.

This is the communication address for the 5GMSd Aware Application on the User Equipment implementing the interface at reference point M5.

5GMS AF Management Interface Listening Address

Location(s): msaf.maf.addr and msaf.maf.port Version: v1.2.0 and above

The listening IP address is set in msaf.maf.addr and the TCP port number is set in msaf.maf.port.

This is a communication interface for local 5GMSd Application Function management. This is not specified in TS 26.512 and is an extra interface for this implementation. This should always be listening on a secure network, e.g. localhost only.

Application Servers

Location(s): msaf.applicationServers

This property is a list of associated 5GMSd Application Servers. Each entry in the list must contain canonicalHostname, urlPathPrefixFormat and m3Port (since v1.1.0) properties.

The canonicalHostname is the hostname or IP address of the Application Server. This is used to generate mediaPlayerEntry URLs for the ServiceAccessInformation objects available at interface M5 if no domainNameAlias is given in the ContentHostingConfiguration. From v1.1.0 of the Application Function, this is also the address that the Application Function will use for interface M3 communication with the Application Server.

The urlPathPrefixFormat is a template string that is used to set the first part of the URL path for distributions from the Application Server at interface M4. Where the template contains {provisioningSessionId} will be replaced by the provisioning session Id that is associated with the ContentHostingConfiguration.

The host name which is used for contacting the Application Server on the interface at M3 will be the canonicalHostname unless an m3Host property is defined for the application server, in which case the value of m3Host will be used as the host name to contact the Application Server at.

The TCP port at which the Application Server interface at M3 is listening is defined by the m3Port property. The combination of canonicalHostname or m3Host and m3Port identifies the connection address that the Application Function will use. This property is only available from v1.1.0 onwards.


    - canonicalHostname:
      urlPathPrefixFormat: /{provisioningSessionId}/
      m3Host: localhost
      m3Port: 7777

Data Collection (Consumption Reporting)

Location(s): msaf.dataCollectionDir Versions: v1.4.0 and above

The Consumption Reporting feature uses a data collection directory to store sent reports in. The path for the data collection root can be set in msaf.dataCollectionDir. If not set then consumption reports are discarded after being received. There is no house-keeping for this directory, so an external house-keeping process must be used to free up disk space.

Network Assistance

Location(s): msaf.open5gsIntegration, msaf.offerNetworkAssistance, msaf.networkAssistance, and bsf.notificationListener Versions: v1.4.0 and above

The Network Assistance feature requires both msaf.open5gsIntegration and msaf.offerNetworkAssistance to be true (or yes) to activate. The nrf settings must also point to a valid NRF NF, and will be used to find a BSF and/or the PCF which is handling the policies for the UE. The bsf.notificationListener sets the address and optional port that will be used to listen for BSF notifications.

When active, this feature will be advertised as available via the Service Access Information objects returned from requests at interface M5.

The Delivery Boost Network Assistance feature will request a guaranteed minimum bit rate for a period of time on behalf of the client. The minimum bit rate used and the period of time are both configurable by setting the values for msaf.networkAssistance.deliveryBoost.minDlBitRate and msaf.networkAssistance.deliveryBoost.boostPeriod respectively. The msaf.networkAssistance.deliveryBoost.minDlBitRate must be expressed as a BitRate string according to TS 29.571, this is a decimal number followed by the bit rate units (bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps or Tbps), e.g. “0.5 Mbps” or “60 Kbps”. The msaf.networkAssistance.deliveryBoost.boostPeriod is the integer number of seconds the boost will be activated for. These default to 1 Mbps for 30 seconds.

Example of active Network Assistance:

  open5gsIntegration: yes
  offerNetworkAssistance: yes
      minDlBitRate: 1 Mbps
      boostPeriod: 30

    - addr:
      port: 7777

    - addr:

Dynamic Policies

Location(s): msaf.open5gsIntegration, and bsf.notificationListener Versions: v1.4.0 and above

This feature requires the msaf.open5gsIntegration to be true (or yes) and the nrf settings to point to a valid NRF NF. The bsf.notificationListener sets the address and optional port that will be used to listen for BSF notifications.

Example of active Network Assistance:

  open5gsIntegration: yes
    - addr:
      port: 7777
    - addr:
      port: 9000     

ContentHostingConfiguration file

Note: This setting is removed from v1.2.0 onwards

Location(s): msaf.contentHostingConfiguration Version: Up to and including v1.1, removed in v1.2.0 onwards

The hosting configuration to use comes from a ContentHostingConfiguration JSON object held in an external file. The file-path to this JSON file is stored in the msaf.contentHostingConfiguration property using an absolute or relative (to the msaf.yaml configuration file) file-path.

The ContentHostingConfiguration determines the configuration of the 5GMSd Application Server including which certificates and keys to send to the Application Server.

Certificates Index

Note: This setting will be removed from v1.2.0 onwards

Location(s): msaf.certificates Version: Up to and including v1.1, removed in v1.2.0 onwards

To test the distribution of media via secure HTTPS, the 5GMSd Application Function (and at runtime the 5GMSd Application Server which will provide the hosting of the media) needs to be configured with one or more private key and public certificate pairs that can be referenced from the ContentHostingConfiguration.

To provide this configuration the 5GMSd Application Function, an index file is used to map certificateId values to a file containing the private key, public certificate and optionally any intermediate CA public certificates, all in PEM format. The index file itself contains a JSON object where the keys are the certificateIds as found in the COntentHostingConfiguration files and the values are the relative (to the index file) or absolute path to the PEM file.

The filename of this JSON index file is stored in the msaf.certificates property of the msaf.yaml configuration file as a relative (to the configuration file) or absolute path.

For a utility to quickly generate self-signed test certificates for a configuration please see the section below on Generating Test Certificates.

Provisioning Session Id

Note: This setting is removed from v1.1.0 onwards

Location(s): msaf.provisioningSessionId Version: Up to and including v1.0, removed in v1.1.0 onwards

This setting provides the ProvisioningSessionId to use for MVP#2. This is here so that the Application Function and Application Server can be synchronised with the same identifier in their respective configurations.

This is the only ProvisioningSessionId the MVP#2 5GMSd Application Function will use.

Certificate Manager Program

Location(s): msaf.certificateManager Version: From version v1.2.0 onwards

This is the path of an external program that can manage certificates and request signing of certificates. The example certificate manager program will produce simple self signed certificates and will be the default certificate manager program set in the installed configuration.

The Certificate Manager program follows the “External Certificate Management” specification from the “Implement M1 Server Certificates Provisionign API” issue on github.

Default caching ages

Location(s): msaf.serverResponseCacheControl.maxAge, msaf.serverResponseCacheControl.m1ProvisioningSessions, msaf.serverResponseCacheControl.m1ContentHostingConfigurations, msaf.serverResponseCacheControl.m1ServerCertificates, msaf.serverResponseCacheControl.m1ContentProtocols, msaf.serverResponseCacheControl.m5ServiceAccessInformation Version: From version v1.2.0 onwards

These configuration values give the caching time in seconds signalled with responses in the different interfaces.

Parameter Purpose
maxAge The default max-age caching value.
m1ProvisioningSessions The max-age for responses for the M1 ProvisioningSessions API.
m1ContentHostingConfigurations The max-age for responses for the M1 ContentHostingProvisioning API.
m1ServerCertificates The max-age for responses for the M1 ServerCertificatesProvisioning API.
m1ContentProtocols The max-age for responses for the M1 ContentProtocolsDiscovery API.
m5ServiceAccessInformation The max-age for responses for the M5 ServiceAccessInformation API.

Generating Test Certificates

Note: These instructions are not needed from v1.2.0 onwards as certificates are dynamically generated and signed.

To make the generation of certificates easier for testing, a script is available in the ~/rt-5gms-application-function/subprojects/rt-common-shared/5gms/scripts/ which will generate an appropriate set of self-signed test certificates. This script requires the python3 and openssl commands to be present, and the Python 3 YAML module. The script executes in the python3 environment and uses the openssl command to generate the PEM certificate and private key file.

If openssl, python3 or Python3 yaml module are not already installed then they can be installed from your system package manager, for example:

Ubuntu/Debian and deviratives

sudo apt -y install openssl python3 python3-yaml

RedHat/CentOS/Fedora/Rocky and derivatives

sudo dnf -y install openssl python3 python3-pyyaml

The script takes either an Application Function configuration file path or two command line parameters, the first is the file-path for a ContentHostingConfiguration JSON file representing the output of the Application Function and the second is the file-path of a certificates index JSON file. When using this script with the Application Function it is easier to use the former command syntax.

The script will examine the Application Function configuration file and extract the ContentHostingConfiguration. This is then examined for the certificateIds that are referenced and will create the private key and public certificate in PEM format at the file-path referenced from the certificates index JSON file. The generated certificates are self-signed, valid for 30 days and will include the canonicalHostame from the AF configuration and any domainNameAlias values from the ContentHostingConfiguration as Subject Alternative Names for the generated certificates.

For example:

~/rt-5gms-application-function/subprojects/rt-common-shared/5gms/scripts/ \