Tutorial - 5G MSd: Basic End-to-End Setup with 5G Network

This guide describes how to setup and configure the 5G-MAG Reference Tools to create an end to end setup consisting of the 5G Downlink Media Streaming components and a 5G Network based on Open5GS and srsRAN.

5G Network with COTS UE setup

For details please refer to the corresponding documentation

5G Media Streaming setup

Server-side Setup

Step 0: Using a local server (Skip if your content is hosted in the internet)

Step 0a: Install the express.js webserver

The express.js webserver acts as our CDN for unicast delivery. To install the webserver follow the instructions here.

Step 0b: Configure ffmpeg

First we configure the ffmpeg output. Navigate to flute-ffmpeg/files and open ffmpeg-hls.sh. Change the following two lines and point them to the path of the local webserver installed previously. If there is no watchfolder/hlsfolder on your webserver yet create that as well.

-hls_segment_filename /home/dsi/5gmag/simple-express-server/public/watchfolder/hls/stream_%v_data%02d.ts \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0" /home/dsi/5gmag/simple-express-server/public/watchfolder/hls/stream_%v.m3u8

Step 0c: Run ffmpeg and the express.js webserver

Navigate to flute-ffmpeg/files and run sh ffmpeg-hls.sh.

Step 0d: Start the express.js webserver

Run npm start in simple-express-server. Our files created by ffmpeg are now hosted and available via unicast. Try to query the master manifest to check for the availability of the files:


Step 1: Install the Application Function

For details please refer to the corresponding section in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 2: Install the Application Server

For details please refer to the corresponding section in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 3: Start the Application Server

For details please refer to the corresponding section in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 4: Basic Configuration of the Application Function

Follow the basic configuration steps documented in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 5: Start the Application Function

Follow the command documented in the basic end-to-end guide.

Step 6: Basic configuration of the Application Function

Follow the steps to create a content hosting configuration and a provisioning session using the msaf-configuration tool.

Client-side Setup

As we are all set on the server-side now we can focus on the client side.

Step 1: Installation, Configuration and Running the 5GMSd Client

Please follow the instructions documented in the basic end-to-end guide setup guide.