Testing the 5GMSd Application Function as a Local User

TODO: Intro

Build Dependencies

Before building the 5GMSd Application Function, there are a few build dependencies that are needed.

The following are needed:

  • Commands
    • bison
    • C compiler
    • curl
    • flex
    • git
    • java
    • meson (version 0.63.0 or higher)[1]
    • ninja
    • pip
    • python3
    • wget
  • Development libraries
    • sctp
    • gnutls
    • yaml
    • nghttp2
    • talloc
    • microhttpd
    • curl
    • mongo DB
    • openssl
    • gcrypt
    • tins
    • idn
  • Python modules
    • venv
    • yaml


  • [1]: meson must be at least version 0.63.0 to patch open5gs properly, therefore it is suggested that this be installed using the python pip module to pull the latest version rather than relying on the packaged version from your operating system.

These can be installed using your system package manager, for example:

Ubuntu and derivatives

sudo apt install bison build-essential curl flex git default-jdk ninja-build wget python3-pip python3-venv python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-yaml libsctp-dev libgnutls28-dev libgcrypt-dev libssl-dev libidn11-dev libmongoc-dev libbson-dev libyaml-dev libnghttp2-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libnghttp2-dev libtins-dev libtalloc-dev
sudo python3 -m pip install build meson

Retrieving the source

When developing always use the development branch of the 5GMSd Application Function.

If you are intending to commit code back to the project then we advise creating your own “Fork” of the repository at https://github.com/5G-MAG/rt-5gms-application-function, and working on your own fork.

To clone the source use:

git clone -b development --recurse-submodules git@github.com:${github_username}/rt-5gms-application-function.git

Where ${github_username} is your GitHub user name.

If you are not intending committing changes back to the repository (only testing the latest development version) then you can obtain a clone using:

git clone -b development --recurse-submodules https://github.com/5G-MAG/rt-5gms-application-function.git

If you wish to commit back changes then these should be pushed to a branch on your fork and PR raised to submit the changes back to the development branch of the 5G-MAG repository.


cd ~/rt-5gms-application-function
meson setup --prefix=`pwd`/install build
ninja -C build


If you are upgrading from one release to the next then it is advisable to delete the old installed msaf.yaml configuration and replace it with a new one. To delete the old installed configuration use:

cd ~/rt-5gms-application-function
rm -f install/etc/open5gs/msaf.yaml

To install the Application Function, its default configuration and supporting scripts:

cd ~/rt-5gms-application-function
meson install -C build --no-rebuild

It is advisable to review the configuration file in ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/etc/open5gs/msaf.yaml before running the 5GMSd Application Function for the first time after installation.


The configuration can be found in ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/etc/open5gs/msaf.yaml. Edit this YAML file to change the operating configuration of the 5GMSd Application Function.

See the Configuring the Application Function page for more details on the settings.


Once the configuration has been set, execute the 5GMSd Application Function using:


For v1.2.0 to v1.4.0:

To run the m1-session tool with a local user installation the python path for the user installed module needs to be included in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

   PYTHONPATH=`find ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install -type d '(' -name 'site-packages' -o -name 'dist-packages' ')' -print` export PYTHONPATH

The default configuration for the m1-session tool will try to write the persistent store to /var/cache/rt-5gms/m1-client. This may not be accessible as a local user and therefore it is a good idea to change the data_store configuration setting to a place where the local user can write to:

   ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/bin/m1-session configure set data_store ~/m1-client-data-store

For v1.4.1 and above:

The m1-session tool has moved to the rt-5gms-application-provider repository. Please follow the instructions in that repository for manual installation of the M1 python tools and classes to install the msaf-configuration, m1-session and m1-client tools either to your system or to a virtual python environment.

If you have installed the tools in the python virtual environment then activate the environment before proceeding, for example:

   source venv/bin/activate

Then you can change the data store directory, for example:

   m1-session configure set data_store ~/m1-client-data-store


Press CTRL-C on the terminal from which the 5GMSd Application Function is running.