Testing: M1 Interface (5GMSd Application Function v1.4.1 and later)

To prepare, follow the instructions for local user building and installation.


These tests require a 5GMSd Application Server to be running. Please follow the instructions to build, install and run the 5GMSd Application Server as a system service or the instructions to run the AS as a local user for a temporary installation for testing.

Test Provisioning Sessions

This will test the ability of the Application Function to allocate and retrieve information about provisioning session upon request by an Application Provider.

Create provisioning sessions

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId
  5. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list

    This should list a single provisioning session.

  6. Create a second Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId
  7. Check the Provisioning Sessions:

    m1-session list

    This should list the two provisioning sessions.

Get details for a provisioning session

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session with Content Hosting Configuration

    m1-session new-stream -e MyAppId -a MyASPId -n 'Big Buck Bunny' 'https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'
  5. Check the Provisioning Session details:

    m1-session list -v

    This will list the provisioning session showing the Content Hosting Configuration attached to it.

    For example:

        Name: Big Buck Bunny
          Type: urn:3gpp:5gms:content-protocol:http-pull-ingest
          Pull Ingest?: True
          URL: https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/
        - URL: http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-39f4f698-daa0-41ed-862b-c1f4c44bccf3/
          Canonical Domain Name: localhost
          Entry point:
            Relative Path: BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd
            Content Type: application/dash+xml

Delete a provisioning session

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list

    This should list a single provisioning session.

  6. Delete the Provisioning Session by Id:

    m1-session del-stream -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in the earlier step.

    For example:

    m1-session del-stream -p 1c961622-c803-41ed-83c5-e304b44dbd7e
  7. Check the Provisioning Session is deleted:

    m1-session list

    There should be no provisioning sessions listed.

  8. Create a single Provisioning Session with a stream identifier:

    m1-session new-stream -e MyAppId -a MyASPId -n 'Test Stream' 'https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'
  9. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list -v
  10. Delete the Provisioning Session by ingest URL and entry point path:

    m1-session del-stream 'https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'

    Note: The entry point (last command line parameter) can be any one of the entry point relative paths present in a distribution configuration for the content hosting configuration of a provisioning session.

  11. Check the Provisioning Session is deleted:

    m1-session list

    There should be no provisioning sessions listed.

Create a hosting configuration with multiple entry points

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session with Content Hosting Configuration containing multiple entry points

    m1-session new-stream -e MyAppId -a MyASPId -n 'Big Buck Bunny' 'http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/622b189f-ec39-43f2-93a2-201ac4e31ce1/BigBuckBunny.ism/' 'manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)' 'manifest(format=m3u8-aapl-v3)' 
  5. Check the Provisioning Session details:

    m1-session list -v

    This will list the provisioning session showing the Content Hosting Configuration attached to it.

    For example:

        Name: Big Buck Bunny
          Type: urn:3gpp:5gms:content-protocol:http-pull-ingest
          Pull Ingest?: True
          URL: http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/622b189f-ec39-43f2-93a2-201ac4e31ce1/BigBuckBunny.ism/
        - URL: http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-74f4c492-dacf-41ed-87fe-93ba2b9b790a/
          Canonical Domain Name: localhost
          Entry point:
            Relative Path: manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)
            Content Type: application/dash+xml
        - URL: http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-74f4c492-dacf-41ed-87fe-93ba2b9b790a/
          Canonical Domain Name: localhost
          Entry point:
            Relative Path: manifest(format=m3u8-aapl-v3)
            Content Type: application/vnd.apple.mpegurl

    The output shows that the ContentHostingConfiguration for Provisioning Session 74f4c492-dacf-41ed-87fe-93ba2b9b790a has two distribution configurations. There is one distribution configuration for DASH and one for HLS.

Create a hosting configuration from a JSON file

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Upload the ContentHostingConfiguration JSON file:

    m1-session set-stream -p ${provisioning_session_id} ~/rt-5gms-application-function/examples/ContentHostingConfiguration_Big-Buck-Bunny_pull-ingest.json

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the Provisioning Session Id reported by the previous step.

    For this step one of the example configuration files from the ~/rt-5gms-application-function/examples directory was used, but any valid ContentHostingConfiguration JSON file can be used.

  6. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list -v

    The output should show a provisioning session with the contents of the JSON file used as the ContentHostingConfiguration.

    For example:

        Name: AMP Demo Stream: Big Buck Bunny
          Type: urn:3gpp:5gms:content-protocol:http-pull-ingest
          Pull Ingest?: True
          URL: http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/622b189f-ec39-43f2-93a2-201ac4e31ce1/BigBuckBunny.ism/
        - URL: http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-74f4c492-dacf-41ed-87fe-93ba2b9b790a/
          Canonical Domain Name: localhost
          Entry point:
            Relative Path: manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)
            Content Type: application/dash+xml
            - urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011
        - URL: http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-74f4c492-dacf-41ed-87fe-93ba2b9b790a/
          Canonical Domain Name: localhost
          Entry point:
            Relative Path: manifest(format=m3u8-aapl-v3)
            Content Type: application/vnd.apple.mpegurl

    This also tests the use of profile lists in the distribution entry points.

Server Certificates

Create Server Certificates

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Create a certificate:

    m1-session new-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in the previous step.

  6. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list -v

    The output should show a provisioning session with a single certificate where the subject and issuer of the certificate are identical.

    For example:

          Serial = 723264618754945153424478507276304617300583059881
          Not before = 2023-03-22 11:18:46+00:00
          Not after = 2023-06-20 11:18:46+00:00
          Subject = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Issuer = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Subject Alternative Names:
        Not defined

    This shows that for provisioning session 40b75340-c8a3-41ed-9d6e-cbf27240da7a there is a certificate with id 4fff7e04-c8a3-41ed-9d6e-cbf27240da7a lasting for 90 days from 22nd Mar 2023. The “Subject” and “Issuer” both have the same designated name (“C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost”) and key hash, showing that this is a self signed certificate. The “Subject Alternative Names” contains one “DNS” entry for the canonical name of the 5GMSd Application Server.

  7. Create a certificate with a domain name:

    m1-session new-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id} -d as.example.com

    Since a domain name was requested, the m1-session tool will request a CSR from the 5GMSd Application Function and sign it itself.

  8. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list -v

    The output should now show an extra certificate on the provisioning session.

    For example:

          Serial = 723264618754945153424478507276304617300583059881
          Not before = 2023-03-22 11:18:46+00:00
          Not after = 2023-06-20 11:18:46+00:00
          Subject = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Issuer = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Subject Alternative Names:
          Serial = 1
          Not before = 2023-03-22 12:03:22+00:00
          Not after = 2023-04-21 12:03:22+00:00
          Subject = CN=as.example.com,O=5G-MAG
          Issuer = O=5G-MAG,CN=5G-MAG Reference Tools Local CA
          Subject Alternative Names:
        Not defined

    This shows that there is now a second certificate (8aa9e5ac-c8a9-41ed-9d6e-cbf27240da7a) issued by “5G-MAG Reference Tools Local CA” and the Subject Common Name is the domain name alias used with the -d command line option when the certificate was created. The canonical domain name of the 5GMSd Application Server is the second Subject Alternative Name. These certificates last for 30 days by default.

  9. Reserve a certificate:

    m1-session new-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id} --csr

    The output includes the new certificate id and a CSR in PEM format.

  10. Check the Provisioning Session:

    m1-session list -v

    The output should now show a third certificate id but the certificate detail says “Certificate not yet uploaded”.

    For example:

          Serial = 723264618754945153424478507276304617300583059881
          Not before = 2023-03-22 11:18:46+00:00
          Not after = 2023-06-20 11:18:46+00:00
          Subject = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Issuer = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Subject Alternative Names:
          Serial = 1
          Not before = 2023-03-22 12:03:22+00:00
          Not after = 2023-04-21 12:03:22+00:00
          Subject = CN=as.example.com,O=5G-MAG
          Issuer = O=5G-MAG,CN=5G-MAG Reference Tools Local CA
          Subject Alternative Names:
          Certificate not yet uploaded
        Not defined

    This shows that the 2a118b8e-c8a7-41ed-9d6e-cbf27240da7a certificate is waiting for a signed certificate to be uploaded.

Output certificate details

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Create a certificate

    m1-session new-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in the previous step.

    Hint: Set the shell variable certificate_id to the returned certificate id for use in later commands.

  6. Display the details of the certificate

    m1-session show-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id} -c ${certificate_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in step 4 and ${certificate_id} is the certificate id of the certificate created in the previous step.

    This will display the certificate details.

    For example:

    Certificate details for d921a6e2-c977-41ed-ae8f-4f7bb018a30b:
      Serial = 570812267048735513617861647966053937458169779179
      Not before = 2023-03-23 12:40:10+00:00
      Not after = 2023-06-21 12:40:10+00:00
      Subject = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
      Issuer = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
      Subject Alternative Names:
  7. Display the public certificate PEM data

    m1-session show-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id} -c ${certificate_id} -r

    The -r flag causes the command to display the “raw” output which is the PEM data for the certificate.

    For example:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Upload a public certificate

TODO: Test where we reserve a certificate and the fetch CSR for the new certificate, sign it, and upload the result.

Content Protocol Discovery

List the Content Protocols available

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. List the Content Protocols for the Provisioning Session

    m1-session protocols -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in the previous step.

    The available protocols will be listed.

    For example:

    Protocols for 40b75340-c8a3-41ed-9d6e-cbf27240da7a:
      No uplink capability
      No geo-fencing capability

Content Hosting Provisioning

Add a Content Hosting Configuration without certificates

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Create the hosting configuration:

    m1-session set-stream -p ${provisioning_session_id} ~/rt-5gms-application-function/examples/ContentHostingConfiguration_Big-Buck-Bunny_pull-ingest.json

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in the previous step.

  6. Check the provisioning session configuration:

    m1-session list -v

    This will display the provisioning session created, showing no certificates and the details from the example ContentHostingConfiguration.

    For example:

        Name: Big Buck Bunny
        Entry Point Path: BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd
            Type: urn:3gpp:5gms:content-protocol:http-pull-ingest
            URL: https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/
          - URL: http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-2ef78712-c9a0-41ed-ac37-f9964ab0d12a/
            Canonical Domain Name: localhost

Note: The m1-session new-stream command is a convience command that will create a provisioning session, generate the ContentHostingConfiguration and set it in the newly created provisioning session. The above can also be done using:

m1-session new-stream -e MyAppId -a MyASPId -n 'Big Buck Bunny' 'https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'

Add a Content Hosting Configuration which uses an existing certificate

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Create a certificate:

    m1-session new-certificate -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in the previous step.

  6. Generate a ContentHostingConfiguration using the certificate:

    sed "s/@certificate-id@/${certificate_id}/g" ~/rt-5gms-application-function/examples/ContentHostingConfiguration_Big-Buck-Bunny_pull-ingest_https.json.tmpl > chc.json

    Where ${certificate_id} is the certificate id of the certificate created in the previous step.

  7. Create the hosting configuration using the generated ContentHostingConfiguration:

    m1-session set-stream -p ${provisioning_session_id} chc.json

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in step 4.

  8. Check the provisioning session configuration:

    m1-session list -v

    This will display the provisioning session created, showing no certificates and the details from the example ContentHostingConfiguration.

    For example:

          Serial = 186484472102456711697672477872825927418601662068
          Not before = 2023-03-23 18:03:15+00:00
          Not after = 2023-06-21 18:03:15+00:00
          Subject = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Issuer = C=GB,L=London,CN=localhost
          Subject Alternative Names:
        Name: Big Buck Bunny
        Entry Point Path: BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd
            Type: urn:3gpp:5gms:content-protocol:http-pull-ingest
            URL: https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/
          - URL: https://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-ed5079d6-c9a4-41ed-b2ad-41232d457177/
            Canonical Domain Name: localhost
            Certificate: fbd05ddc-c9a4-41ed-b2ad-41232d457177

Note: The m1-session new-stream command is a convience command that will create a provisioning session, generate the ContentHostingConfiguration and set it in the newly created provisioning session. The above configuration with the m1-session tool can also be done using this single command instead:

m1-session new-stream -e MyAppId -a MyASPId -n 'Big Buck Bunny' --ssl-only 'https://ftp.itec.aau.at/datasets/DASHDataset2014/BigBuckBunny/4sec/' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'

Consumption Reporting (v1.4.0 and later)

Add a Consumption Reporting Configuration

  1. Stop the Application Function if it is already running.

  2. Remove previous configurations:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the Application Function:

  4. Create a single Provisioning Session:

    m1-session new-provisioning-session -e MyAppId -a MyASPId

    Hint: Set the shell variable provisioning_session_id to the returned provisioning session id for use in later commands.

  5. Create a Consumption Reporting Configuration for the Provisioning Session

    m1-session set-consumption-reporting -p ${provisioning_session_id} --interval 15 --sample-percentage 66.66 --location-reporting --access-reporting

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session that was created in step 4.

    This will set consumption reporting to every 15 seconds for 66.66% of clients and reports should include Location and Access reporting.

    All Consumption Reporting parameters are optional so doing the following:

    m1-session set-consumption-reporting -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    …will request all clients send a single Consumption Report at the end of the media without Location or Access reports (the defaults for consumption reporting).

Show current Consumption Reporting Configuration

  1. Display the current Consumption Reporting Configuration for a Provisioning Session
    m1-session show-consumption-reporting -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session you wish to view.

Remove the Consumption Reporting Configuration

  1. Remove Consumption Reporting from a Provisioning Session
    m1-session del-consumption-reporting -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session you wish to remove consumption reporting from.

  2. Display the current Consumption Reporting Configuration for the Provisioning Session to check it has gone
    m1-session show-consumption-reporting -p ${provisioning_session_id}

    Where ${provisioning_session_id} is the provisioning session id of the session you wish to view.

    This will report no Consumption Reporting Configuration is present.