Testing with Postman

Postman is a popular API development and testing tool that allows users to create, send, and manage HTTP requests. It provides a user-friendly interface for building and testing API endpoints, making it easier for developers to collaborate and streamline the API development process. Postman comes in very handy when testing and working with the M1 and M5 interfaces of the Application Function.

Importing the 5G-MAG Postman Collection

Postman provides an easy way to export and import a collection of REST calls. To facilitate getting started, you can download our pre-defined Postman collections and environment here:

After the download, open Postman and select File->Import. After a successful import, you should see two collections like this:

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Postman Configuration

A very useful feature of Postman is the possibility to define variables. These variables can afterward be used in any of our routes or payloads. The first variables we need to define are the m1_url, m5_url, maf_url variables. For that reason, select Environments on the left side and then select the 5G-MAG environment. Now you should see a list of variables similar to this:

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Add the URL to the M1, the M5 and the maf endpoint of your Application Function here. In the example above, we are running the Application Function in a local network. Note that both URLs also need to contain the port. The configuration options for the Application Function are documented here.

Using M1

Now that we have defined the M1 endpoint, we can start using it:

Creating a Provisioning Session

Navigate to the Provisioning Session folder in the Postman Collection and select Create Provisioning Session. Check the URL on the top that we are sending the request to: /3gpp-m1/v2/provisioning-sessions. Here you can see that we are using the m1_url variable that we defined earlier. If the endpoint changes at some point we only need to change our variable instead of all the M1 calls in our Postman collection.

Click on Send on the top right. You should see a successful response (status code 201) and the payload of the response on the bottom:

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The response body contains the provisioningSessionId of our created provisioning session. The provisioningSessionId is an important identifier and used in many of the M1 and M5 endpoints. Consequently, it makes sense to assign the provisioningSessionId to a variable as well. Our collection contains a small script that automatically assigns the provisioningSessionId value of the response body to the provisioning_session_id variable:

var responseBody = pm.response.json();
var provisioningSessionId = responseBody.provisioningSessionId;
pm.environment.set("provisioning_session_id", provisioningSessionId);

Retrieving a Provisioning Session

Now that we have created a provisioning session and assigned its provisioningSessionId to our variable, we can directly call the GET Provisioning Session endpoint. As expected, our route contains the m1_url and the provisioning_session_id variable: /3gpp-m1/v2/provisioning-sessions/.

Sending this request should result in a response similar to this: Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-26 um 09 36 19

Deleting a Provisioning Session

Deleting a provisioning session is straight forward as well. As we already defined the required variables, you can simply execute the call and should receive a 202 Accepted response.

Consumption Reporting

To manage consumption reporting configurations, proceed similarly to managing provisioning sessions. Note that the create and update functions contain a JSON structure in the payload to define the required parameters.

Policy Templates

To manage policy templates, proceed similarly to managing provisioning sessions. Note that the create and update functions contain a JSON structure in the payload to define the required parameters. Moreover, open5gsIntegration must be enabled in the configuration of the Application Function. For more details, refer to the Configuration Guide.

After successfully creating a policy template, the new policyTemplateId contained in the Location header is automatically assigned to the policy_template_id variable:

var policyTemplateId = pm.response.headers.get("Location").split("/").pop()
pm.environment.set("policy_template_id", policyTemplateId);

Using M5

The M5 routes to query the Service Access Information, send a Consumption Report, create a Dynamic Policy resource and provision a new Network Assistance Session can be found in the 5G-MAG M5 folder. There is no additional configuration required, the routes for M5 use the variables that we defined earlier as part of the configuration and the execution of M1 endpoints.

Using custom endpoints

The 5G-MAG implementation of the Application Function provides additional endpoints that are not part of the TS 26.512 Rel-17 specification. These endpoints are proprietary and offer additional functionality to improve the user experience. The custom endpoints are located in the 5G-MAG MAF collection.

Querying all provisioning sessions

It is possible to query the ID of all the available provisioning sessions. For that reason, choose enumerateProvisioningSessions in the 5G-MAG MAF collection and click on send. The result should look like this:
