Under Development
This page contains information such as the specifications within the scope of the tools, high-level architecture, APIs under implementation,…
Visit the Standards repository for more details on the specifications within the scope of the tools.
High-level architecture
High-level architecture: 5G Downlink Media Streaming (5GMSd) over 5G Multicast Broadcast Services (MBS)
- Check here to access the repositories for 5G Multicast Broadcast Services (MBS)
- Check here to access the repositories for 3GPP RAN and Core Platforms
- Check here to access the repositories for 5G Media Streaming
Features under implementation
MBS development over Open5GS
The 5G-MAG Reference Tools for MBS currently target:
- Multicast transport over N6mb (from AF to MB-UPF).
- Shared delivery on the 5G Core (from MB-UPF to gNBs).
- Point to Multipoint (PTM) delivery on RAN (from gNBs to UE).
The following features are supported:
(Following 3GPP TS 29.532 - Release 17.4.0)- TMGI Allocate Service operation
- TMGI Deallocate Service operation
MB-SMF MBS Session Service API
(Following 3GPP TS 29.532 - Release 17.4.0)- MBS Session Create Service operation
- MBS Session Release Service operation
MB-SMF PFCP Session Establishment extensions
(Following 3GPP TS 29.244 - Release 17.9.0)- PFCP Session Establishment Request extensions
MB-UPF PFCP Session Establishment extensions
(Following 3GPP TS 29.244 - Release 17.9.0)- PFCP Session Establishment Response extensions
The following features are not yet supported:
AMF MBS Broadcast Service API
(Following 3GPP TS 29.518 - Release 17.11.0)- MBS Broadcast ContextCreate Service operation
- MBS Broadcast ContextRelease Service operation
AMF NGAP extensions
(Following 3GPP TS 38.413 - Release 17.6.0)- BROADCAST SESSION SETUP REQUEST
gNB NGAP extensions
(Following 3GPP TS 38.413 - Release 17.6.0)- BROADCAST SESSION SETUP RESPONSE
NRF NFDiscovery Service API extensions
(Following 3GPP TS 29.510 - Release 17.11.0)- MB-SMF TMGI Service API extensions
- MB-SMF MBS Session Service API extensions
- AMF MBS Broadcast Service API extensions