Under Development

This page contains information such as the specifications within the scope of the tools, high-level architecture, APIs under implementation,…


Visit the Standards repository for more details on the specifications within the scope of the tools.

High-level architecture

High-level architecture: XR Media Integration in 5G

  • Check here to access the repositories for XR Media Integration in 5G

XR Unity Player: Project overview

Scene description format

The Scene Description format standardized by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC29/WG03 MPEG Systems in ISO/IEC 23090-14 specifies a framework enabling the composition of 3D scenes for immersive experiences, anchoring 3D assets in the real world, facilitating rich interactivity, supporting real-time media delivery.

It establishes interfaces like the Media Access Function (MAF) API to enable cross-platform interoperability, ensuring efficient retrieval and processing of media data, by decoupling the Presentation Engine from media pipeline.

XR Player implementation

The XR Player is implemented as a Unity3D project: rt-xr-unity-player.

The unity project builds on the following dependencies:

  • rt-xr-glTFast: parsing and instantiating of 3D scenes in Unity.
  • rt-xr-maf-native: a C++ Media Access Functions (MAF) API implementation, extensible with custom media pipeline plugins.

Test content

  • rt-xr-content: test content implementing the scene description format.

See the features page for implementation status of the scene description format.

MAF API & Media pipelines

The Media Access Functions (MAF) API is specified in ISO/IEC 23090-14:2023.

It’s purpose is to decouple the presentation engine from media pipeline management, it allows the Presentation Engine to:

  • pass View informations to the media pipelines (eg. to optimize fetching media )
  • read media buffers updated by the media pipelines

The MAF API is protocol and codec agnostic, media can be fetched a remote URL.

Media player implementation

MediaPlayer component

The MediaPlayer component is part of the Presentation Engine layer:

The MediaPlayer component uses the MAF API implemented by Media Pipelines:

The XR Player uses a C++ implementation of the MAF API. It uses a factory / plugin pattern to allow development of media pipelines.

The mechanism by which a media pipeline is instantiated and buffers initialized, is out of the scope of ISO/IEC 23090-14.

For more on the MAF API implementation, review the rt-xr-maf-native repository.

XR Unity Player features

The XR Player takes 3D scenes in glTF format, supporting extensions that enable extended reality use cases. These extensions enable features such as XR anchoring, interactivity behaviors, and media pipelines.

XR Anchoring

The XR Player supports XR anchoring using the MPEG_anchor glTF extension which enables anchoring nodes and scenes to features (Trackable) tracked by the XR device. In augmented reality applications, anchored nodes are composited with the XR device’s environment.

The XR player leverages Unity’s ARFoundation to support both handled mobile devices such as smartphones and head mounted devices.

 Trackable type Status XR plugins Test content
TRACKABLE_VIEWER anchoring/anchorTest_viewer_n.gltf  
TRACKABLE_FLOOR awards/scene_floor_anchoring.gltf  
TRACKABLE_PLANE awards/scene_plane_anchoring.gltf  
TRACKABLE_CONTROLLER anchoring/anchorTest_ctrl_n.gltf  
TRACKABLE_MARKER_2D anchoring/anchorTest_m2D_n.gltf  
TRACKABLE_MARKER_3D anchoring/anchorTest_m3D_n.gltf  
TRACKABLE_MARKER_GEO anchoring/anchorTest_geoSpatial_n_cs.gltf  
TRACKABLE_APPLICATION anchoring/anchorTest_app_n.gltf  


The XR Player supports specifying interactive behaviors in a 3D scene through the MPEG_scene_interactivity and MPEG_node_interactivity glTF extensions.

An interactivity behavior combines one or more triggers that condition the execution of one or more actions.

The table below provide an overview of the supported triggers and actions:

Trigger type Status Test content
TRIGGER_COLLISION gravity/gravity.gltf
TRIGGER_PROXIMITY gravity/gravity.gltf, geometry/UseCase_03-variant1-geometry.gltf
TRIGGER_USER_INPUT gravity/gravity.gltf, geometry/UseCase_03-variant3-geometry.gltf
TRIGGER_VISIBILITY geometry/UseCase_03-variant3-geometry.gltf
Action type Status Test content
ACTION_ACTIVATE gravity/gravity.gltf
ACTION_TRANSFORM gravity/gravity.gltf
ACTION_BLOCK gravity/gravity.gltf
ACTION_ANIMATION geometry/UseCase_03-variant1-geometry.gltf
ACTION_SET_MATERIAL gravity/gravity.gltf
ACTION_MEDIA geometry/UseCase_02-variant3-geometry.gltf

Media pipelines

Support for media sources (eg. mp4, dash, rtp, …) exposing media buffers to the presentation engine through the MPEG_media, MPEG_accessor_timer, MPEG_buffer_circular glTF extensions.

The media pipelines APIs are designed to fetch and decode timed media such as video textures, audio sources, geometry streams …

Sample scene with media pipelines

Video texture

Supports video textures buffers through the MPEG_texture_video glTF video extension. Video decoding is implemented by media pipelines.

Sample scene with video texture

Spatial audio

Supports audio sources positionned in 3D through the MPEG_audio_spatial.

For each audio source the extension specifies attenuation parameters controling the audio source loudness as a function of the viewer’s distance.

Sample scene with spatial audio source

Overview of the MPEG extensions to glTF format implemented in v1.1.0

Note that “Unity player” refers to the compiled application, while “Unity editor” refers to the development environment which also allows running the app without actually compiling it for the target platform.

glTF extension Unity player Unity editor